Wednesday, March 28, 2007

a nice guide to egg buying

Here's a nice guide to egg buying (if you are into that sort of thing) from Mother Earth News.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

chocolate and meat

"...two great tastes that taste great together...?" No, just some articles that I saw today that perked my ears up.

Easter and springtime means chocolate. Now, as a vegan, some people might believe that I'm deprived. But actually, there are quite a few companies out there that make vegan chocolate - and many, many more that make dark chocolate with very low milk content. One of these is Green & Blacks - who have a newest set of easter eggs out for us to sample. Mmmm. Now, if I can only get someone to make a vegan version of the Cadbury creme egg. Oh, wait! Here's a recipe coming down the pipeline now! (you have to scroll down a bit) Also on that page is a recipe for VEGAN MACAROONS. Ok, I'm in full pregnant drool mode now. :)

Now, on to the meat (now that I've got your tastebuds watering). I just read this interesting article about some folks who read the "Omnivore’s Dilemma" and decided to take action. They are raising their own meat, in a little neighborhood near Davis, CA. The article actually touches on quite a few of the issues I like to see discussed, such as antibiotic use, what it costs to actually feed and raise a cow, and the "killing" aspect. Happy reading!


Thursday, March 15, 2007

getting on a soap box

I read a blog today that made me realize again, that one way (not the only way, and certainly not the best way) to make an impact on the environment is to go as veg as possible. From the article, "it's undeniable that the rare meat eater who limits himself or herself to a bit of grass-fed cattle flesh on occasion is making a much smaller environmental impact than the vast majority of Americans."

Here you go.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Yes, I'm finally done. I finished all my exams, and can call myself a CEBS.


Now - on with the rest of my life!


Friday, March 09, 2007

et tu...Live Journal?

So now Live Journal is censoring breastfeeding images? Ok, I thought, if MySpace wants to interpret it's policy in some sort of bizarre way then that's just one group. But two?

COME ON PEOPLE! Is the sight of a baby at a mom's breast so erotic that we just can't stand it? I don't get this at all.

Someone please explain to me why this is becoming so huge of an issue.

Or - just become an activist.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

baby update

The baby blog has been updated!