Monday, March 27, 2006

solar eclipses are cool

And I found this really awesome thing that shows you what the eclipse will look like from space...that is, the shadow of the moon moving across the earth. If you go to this link, then scroll down past the google map to the picture of the earth, you can see it too.

Man - I wish I was somewhere I could see this happen on Wednesday!

Corn, corn & more corn

Is this the beginning of the end for high fructose corn syrup? I don't think so. But something about hfcs bothers me. So much so that I try to avoid it, even though I haven't read anything that conclusively states there is something wrong with it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Grey hair

I am slowly getting used to the new me in the mirror.

It's still me, but not me. It's like someone decided to change me when I wasn't looking, or that feeling you get when you change your hairstyle very drastically? I look in the mirror and think - that's not me, that's someone else. Then I remember that it's really me. It only takes a fraction of a second, but I catch myself looking at myself more often.

I think I look good.

The weirdest part has been that my colors have changed. I used to LOVE certain colors, and hate others, because they went well with dark brown hair. Now I can't wear black, or dark blue, at all. It just makes me look all washed out. Reds and bright light blues are much better for me now. But it's so bizzare to try on a shirt that used to look nice and now it doesn't. (but it was only a year ago! )

Today I decided to poke around on the internet and look for pictures of women with grey hair... and maybe find some interesting stories while I was at it to entertain all of my happy readers.

First - I found this great webpage with beautiful pictures of people with grey hair.

Then I read this story about a woman who tried to go grey as an experiment. She wanted to see if she would be treated differently. She was - and maybe not in the way that you would expect.

The one place that she didn't experiment with was the workplace. Would she have been passed up for a promotion if she kept the grey hair? If she saw a client with the wig on - would it have made a difference?

I myself haven't noticed that I get treated any differently, at work or with freinds or family (thanks, guys!). I also think that anyone who knows me pretty well wouldn't care at all. But what if I was meeting a new client for the first time? I can't imagine I would dye it for a client meeting... but I would likely feel the pressure to do so. I guess that time will come and maybe I'll write about it then. :)

Finally, of course, I found a book about it. No matter what the topic - someone out there has published their opinions and ideas and tried to sell it on

It's getting late and this grannie has decided to call it a day.
